BuildBinder Blog

7 ways to improve safety culture in construction sites

Construction is typically known as one of the most physically challenging jobs. Not only because workers need a certain amount of strength or ability to fulfill their job, but also because of the ongoing risks of injuries and accidents. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 1 in every 10 construction workers is injured each year. Although surely every construction company knows this already and must comply with government safety regulations, it is always worth reinforcing safety culture in construction sites. Here are seven ways you can improve safety culture within your organization.

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Why Acquiring Another Company Can Help Your Business

Man standing on inside upper floor of a modern building

In the construction industry, acquiring another company can help your business have a greater market reach, expand your skillset and technology tools, or it can simply help your company grow faster. If you are thinking of acquiring another company, being acquired or merging with another business, here are a few points to consider before moving forward. 

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3 Ways to Promote Health Within Your Organization

Health problems are costly in more ways than one: personal lives suffer, productivity drops, your clients are unhappy and your revenue takes a dive. A healthy worker is not only one that lacks a sickness, but also one that feels great about waking up every morning and going to work. In other words, health is important for your employees and your business. That is why in this article we share three ways in which you can promote health within your organization. Read on to learn more.

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Build a system and your company will succeed

Your construction company may be well known, you may have several customers, and you may even have great cash flow, but how does your project pipeline look like? If you are having trouble with delivery dates, conflict resolution, and quality control, the best way to address these issues is by building a system that works. Learn more here. 

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